THIS or THAT Episode 2: Crisp White Shirt

This year my theme for the #MyFriendAlexa campaign is “This or That”. Here, I’ll be putting up a day-to-day scenario that mostly all of us face sometime or the other, along with two different ways in which we can react towards those scenarios – either “This” or “That”. So, let’s look at today’s scenario!


Sara is out with 6 of her other colleagues for a team lunch at a nearby restaurant. They are celebrating their recent success on a project. Everyone’s sharing their experience and clanking their glasses to toast everyone’s role in the assignment. The waiter comes over to serve the second round of starters. He bends over to serve Sara but he suddenly loses his balance, and the serving tongs go crashing in Sara’s lap, leaving a huge stain on the front of her crisp white shirt.

Let’s see the two possible reactions Sara could choose from:


Sara sighs out loud with dramatic hand gestures, mouthing “oh gosh! couldn’t you see????? What’s wrong with you??” She continues in a furious tone, “Do you even know how much this shirt costs??? You lousy fellow! Stop staring at me and go get some towels now!” The poor waiter seems embarrassed and apologizes a 100 times and rushes to get Sara some napkins to clean up.

Sara stays in a grumpy temper as everyone keeps asking her at work about what happened to her shirt. The waiter was distracted at his job for the rest of the day as well.


Sara exclaims, “Oh no! that was my new shirt”. She then notices the tensed waiter who has already uttered “Sorry ma’am” at least 10 times by then. She gets up and politely says, “It’s not a problem. Just be careful. Could you please get me a few tissues to clean up?” The waiter rushes to get her a few napkins.

The rest of the day, every time someone at work asks Sara about her shirt, she jokingly replies with, “oh! just a sign of a great lunch”. Hence laughing it off all day long.

The waiter too went on with his day at work being extra careful of his actions.

As obvious as the “right” choice sounds, it doesn’t always come naturally to all. But all that needs to be done is to just take a conscious pause and decide how you would want to react, rather than letting your subconscious react for you. Let me know which reaction do you usually end up choosing!

You may read other episodes here:

Episode 1: Late to the Party!

Episode 3: Road Rage

Episode 4: Out of Love or out of Fear?

I’m taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa!

88 thoughts on “THIS or THAT Episode 2: Crisp White Shirt

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      1. Well well, now this is a pretty common could-happen-to-anyone scene.
        The difference would be the way we react. The 1st one is the easiest way out of it but would leave a nad taste in everyone’s mouth. The 2nd is difficult, needs a calm mind but definitely a better come back.


  1. Such a lovely concept and explained beautifully! The choices of actions we make, actually end up defining our character and make us either winners or losers.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I believe its all about how calm can one remain under these circumstances. Easier said than done but still definitely worth giving a try. I like your theme. Pretty interesting. And great way to explain the scenarios. Keep the good work going.

    #MyFriendAlexa #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree Manas, it’s very difficult to achieve and maintain mental calm. However, if we’re really willing to achieve something, I don’t think there’s anyone who can stop us.

      Thanks for your kind words 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, I like this series. So many situations can be either this or that!
    I liked the ending you gave and also the choice. It’s difficult to laugh off but if you can do that, your life will get better.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, just a simple change of attitude and what follows is a day saved from anger and misery. If we take a moment to choose the right words the world would be a much better place.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved your post. What a positive take on an issue, when taken negatively, would have ended up as a bad day for the waiter as well as for her. I wish everyone thought like this. And your theme-This or That is awesome

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I liked your theme – This or that.
    yes, we always have two choices and we need to be careful about what we choose.
    The rest or afterward is decided on how we reacted in that particular situation.
    Certainly, don’t let the stain ruin your day says it all.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Really love the theme you chose for Alexa…will catch up on the other posts too! This was an interesting post…how our choice of words can make a difference. Well, it is easier said than done as you have written!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love your theme for the Alexa campaign. Although the latter would be the best choice, it does not come naturally to all. Looking forward to reading more from you.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow! that’s quite a lovely theme, while its gets so natural to behave the first way, but it is important we choose to think a little and behave the right way for own and others piece of mind and definitely a stain wont ruin your day.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Enjoyed reading your article and paused for a while before final decision. Option ‘THAT’ will not spoil the day for both but requires courage and humanity angle.

    Waiting for next post**

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I would like to go with ‘that’ option and I hope I will not respond instantly and scold as she did. But I would definitely buy a new shirt or change into something else instead of wearing that stained white shirt and giving food for thought to others.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad to hear your reaction Geethica.
      If one has a spare shirt or if they can buy one, that’s great! However, if one cannot, then they shouldn’t concentrate all their energy on that one stain and ruin the entire day😊


  12. Nice post actually. Not sure, which one would I choose to go with, but right now what I feel I should go with the second one. Accident happens and it’s never intentional.
    Thanks for sharing this.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Loved the way you have contextualised an issue and painted the two scenarios for us. Interesting read. I visited your blog for the first time, thanks to MFA, must say that your content is very interesting. Keep writing :).


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